[A 25ª EXPO JAPANINTERNATIONAL SEAFOOD&TECHNOLOGY] prateleira aquapônica - Espémico Co., Ltd.

Aquaponics Shelf: A Sustainable Solution for Fish and Vegetable Production
At the 25th Japan International Seafood & Technology Expo, Especmic Co., Ltd. presented their innovative aquaponics shelf. This unique system allows users to grow both fish and vegetables simultaneously, while also promoting sustainability and reducing waste.
By utilizing fish leftovers and ingredients, the waste water from the fish tank can be utilized as nutrition for the vegetables. This eliminates the need for traditional fertilizers and reduces waste. The aquaponics shelf showcased at the expo featured tilapia, but the system can also accommodate other types of fish, offering a variety of culinary options.
The aquaponics shelf is not limited to small-scale production. From small facilities to large-scale setups, the system can be tailored to suit different needs. Additionally, it is not limited to specific crops either. While lettuce was being grown at the expo, herbs, strawberries, and tomatoes can also be cultivated using this system.
Aside from the convenience and versatility it offers, the aquaponics shelf brings significant environmental benefits. By growing both fish and vegetables together, water consumption is reduced, and fertilizer usage is minimized through recycling. This not only benefits the planet but also provides economic advantages to the farmers.
Especmic Co., Ltd. encourages consumers and businesses to pay attention to this sustainable solution. The aquaponics shelf offers a unique opportunity to incorporate eco-friendly practices into daily life and contribute to a greener future.
Overall, the aquaponics shelf presented at the expo showcased the company’s commitment to sustainability, innovative thinking, and the promotion of environmentally friendly practices within the seafood and agriculture industries.Generated by OpenAI

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