[97ª Exposição Internacional de Presentes de Tóquio, Primavera de 2024] Hiden NINJA MÁGICA ESPECIARIA - Fujino Fundando Co., Ltd.

Fujino Founding Co., Ltd., a renowned construction company, aims to expand its business by venturing into the culinary world. They unveiled their latest creation, the Hiden NINJA MAGIC SPICE, at the 97th Tokyo International Gift Show Spring 2024. This unique spice blend comprises 16 diverse ingredients, which can enhance the flavors of various dishes. Not limited to meat dishes, it is a versatile addition to salads, soups, pizzas, and countless other delicacies. Fujino Founding Co., Ltd. encourages interested parties to reach out to them for further information on this innovative product.Generated by OpenAI

local na rede Internet:https://fujino-sogyo.com/