[MF-TOKYO 2023 A 7ª METAL FORMING FAIR TOKYO] Placa de blindagem a laser Taxalon HTSLA CP807 - Takiron C.I. Co., Ltd.

New Safety Shielding Plate for Laser Processing Machines Introduced by Takiron C.I. Co., Ltd.
Takiron C.I. Co., Ltd., a leading manufacturer of plastic products, has unveiled their latest safety product called Taxalon. This innovative product is specifically designed for laser processing machines. As laser technology continues to advance, hybrid lasers have emerged as the most advanced option in the market. These hybrid lasers combine a blue laser with an infrared laser, making them highly effective in processing copper. This, in turn, contributes to the production of essential components like lithium batteries and motors for electric vehicles. The Taxalon CP807 is a dedicated safety shield version specifically designed for hybrid lasers. Users of laser processing machines can now rely on the Taxalon CP807 for enhanced safety and protection.Generated by OpenAI

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