[a 50ª Exposição Internacional de Assistência Domiciliar e Reabilitação - H.C.R. 2023 e Fórum -] Desinfetante de colchão - Tokai Kiki Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Tokai Kiki Kogyo Co., Ltd., a leading company in cleaning and disinfection machines, showcased its highly recommended mattress disinfection machine at the 50th International Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition – H.C.R. 2023 & Forum. This innovative machine uses effective disinfectant steam to kill a wide range of bacteria and viruses, ensuring a safe and hygienic environment. With a one-hour disinfection cycle, this machine has garnered attention from both professionals and large university hospitals for its efficient and non-toxic cleaning process. Workers can now use this machine with peace of mind, knowing that it prioritizes their safety while maintaining cleanliness.Generated by OpenAI

local na rede Internet:https://www.tokai-kiki.co.jp/