[Semana do Governo e do Setor Público Japão 2023] mudança de casa - Archivision 21 Inc.

Archivision 21 Inc., a Hokkaido-based company with a branch office in Sapporo, is gaining attention with its innovative product called a moving house. This wooden building, which can be relocated, is seeing increased popularity nationwide. Originally used for residential purposes, the moving house is now being utilized in offices, telework facilities, and government buildings. Archivision 21 Inc. offers flexible purchase options, including sales, rentals, and leasing. In fact, many local governments have recently acquired and rented these buildings. The moving house boasts excellent insulation and airtightness, surpassing traditional wooden structures. Standard features include triple sash windows, making it suitable for the Hokkaido climate. With its versatility and potential applications, the moving house is becoming an attractive choice for various organizations, such as businesses and rental properties. Archivision 21 Inc. welcomes inquiries from troubled companies and local governments seeking innovative solutions.Generated by OpenAI

local na rede Internet:https://www.archi21.co.jp/