[Semana FOODtech Tóquio 2023] Sensor de motor inteligente Mpression - Macnica Co., Ltd.

[Mpression Smart Motor Sensor: Detecting Motor Problems with Precision]
Macnica Co., Ltd, showcased their groundbreaking predictive maintenance solution, the Mpression Smart Motor Sensor, at the recent FOODtech Week Tokyo 2023. This sensor is specifically designed for low-voltage three-phase motors and offers a holistic approach to motor health monitoring.
The Mpression Smart Motor Sensor measures three crucial data points: vibration, temperature, and magnetic field data. By analyzing these data points in combination and leveraging cloud-based machine learning, the sensor accurately identifies faulty motor components and assesses their criticality.
Installation is easy, with the sensor being attached to the low-pressure three-layer additive motor, specifically onto the fins using screws or adhesive. Equipped with Wi-Fi capability, the sensor securely transmits the collected data to the cloud, where it is processed and analyzed.
The raw data can be uploaded to the cloud for advanced analysis, but the Mpression Smart Motor Sensor also offers a user-friendly dashboard. This dashboard visualizes the health levels of individual motor parts in easily understandable colors, making it accessible even to non-technical users. Components can be quickly identified as healthy or requiring attention, allowing for timely maintenance.
Moreover, the application also enables users to dive deeper into the data. Users can extract and display specific vibration data from any given moment, allowing for detailed analysis and troubleshooting.
The Mpression Smart Motor Sensor offers a game-changing solution for predictive maintenance in the motor industry. By leveraging innovative sensor technology and cloud-based analysis, Macnica Co., Ltd aims to enhance motor efficiency, reduce downtime, and optimize maintenance strategies for businesses in various sectors.Generated by OpenAI

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