[ifia JAPÃO 2023] As vendas de eritritol, gluconolactona, gluconato de sódio, amido modificado, etc. - Shandong Fuyang Bio-Tech Co., Ltd

Shandong Fuyang Bio-Tech Co. Ltd, a company from Shandong, China, showcased a range of products at the IFIA JAPAN 2023 trade fair. These products included corn starch and modified starch, which are used in papermaking and food. Sodium gluconate is primarily a concrete admixture and cleaning agent, while gluconolactone is a coagulant for lactone tofu. The company also displayed zero-calorie sugar sweeteners, erythritol and allulose. They welcome visitors interested in these products and to explore potential collaborations.Generated by OpenAI

local na rede Internet:http://www.bio-fuyang.com/