[a 50ª Exposição Internacional de Assistência Domiciliar e Reabilitação - H.C.R. 2023 e Fórum -] "Wakaru'nyon, Hakaru'nyon (detector de micção)" - Instrumento de precisão do Japão Co., Ltd.

New Urination Detector Showcased at H.C.R. 2023
Nippon Precision Instruments Co. unveiled their latest product, the “Wakarunyon, Hakarunyon (Urination Detector)”, at the 50th International Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition. This innovative device offers a non-contact method of measuring urine without disturbing the patient’s bedding. One receiver can collect multiple signals, making it an efficient and practical solution. The urination detector is also waterproof and can be easily disinfected. With its affordable price, Nippon Precision Instruments Co. hopes to attract interested buyers. Contact them for more information.Generated by OpenAI

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