[CONTEÚDO TÓQUIO 13ª Edição] Rastreador ocular vestível "Tobii Pro Glasses 3" - Tobii Technology Co., Ltd.

Tobii Technology Co., Ltd., a company specializing in eye tracking and gaze measurement, showcased their latest product, Tobii Pro Glasses 3, at the 13th edition of the Content Tokyo Fair. This wearable eye tracker is targeted towards the manufacturing industry, allowing users to measure the line of sight of workers and analyze their focus areas. The collected data can be used for educational purposes and to transfer skills from experienced workers to newcomers. Additionally, the device can help in situations where specific expertise is required or when practicing individualized techniques. With its ability to visualize experts’ skills, instincts, and tricks, Tobii Pro Glasses 3 proves to be a valuable tool in various industries.Generated by OpenAI

local na rede Internet:https://www.tobii.com/ja